Seamless International deals: Imprima now offers Dynamic Site Acceleration

Akamai Hero Blog

Tom Horsman – Head of Technology As cloud-based services become increasingly mainstream, the continued growth of access around the world through different technologies is likely to continue.  The internet has become significantly more crowded in recent years, creating several challenges around performance, reliability, and availability. This issue is particularly relevant for international deals, where long distances […]

What Is A Virtual Data Room?

What Is A Virtual Data Room

A virtual data room (VDR) is an online tool that securely stores and makes available, uploaded documentation. Quite often, VDR’s are used as secure, collaborative hubs to assist the due diligence process of an M&A transaction. Other common use cases include the raising of capital and asset management. Due to cost, efficiency, and security benefits, the VDR […]

Managing real estate portfolios with less admin and centralised information

Alm Blog Image

Sean Kelly, Business Development Director There are many things that can go wrong in any real estate transaction, but data management may not be the first one that springs to mind. However, factors such as siloed processes and inaccurate documents are making this a very real challenge for asset managers, especially those of large buildings […]

Supercharge your business deal with enhanced real-time reporting

Irooms Ipad

Gary McKeown – Group Managing Director When you set up a virtual data room with a view to a sale process, you want to know which prospective bidders are looking at your information, when and how often. Failure to monitor user activity effectively can compromise your deal success. Conversely, gaining an in-depth visibility into real-time data […]

Introducing Imprima’s fresh new look…

Rebrand Blog Thumb

Gary McKeown – Group Managing Director You might notice a few changes at Imprima over the next few weeks as we roll out our new brand identity to the world. We’ve shaken things up, by introducing a new logo, releasing an even more intuitive Imprima’s Virtual Data Room interface and by launching an exciting and fresh […]