Projektleitung und Kundenbetreuung
Unser bestbewertetes und mehrsprachiges Kundenserviceteam steht Ihnen überall auf der Welt zur Seite.

Praktisches Projektmanagement

Unsere sehr erfahrenen Projektmanager können bei jedem Projekt so aktiv sein, wie Sie es benötigen:
- 10 + Jahre Erfahrung in der Verwaltung von Geschäften
- Bewertet 4.9/5 auf Capterra
- Verfügbarkeit zur Unterstützung Ihres Teams überall auf der Welt
- 24/7, 365 Unterstützung
- Schnelle Reaktionszeiten
Schlüsselaufgaben des Projektmanagements
Unser Support-Team kann Sie in allen Bereichen Ihres M&A-Prozesses unterstützen
Hochladen von Dokumenten
Hochladen von Dokumenten in Ihren Datenraum, sei es über den SharePoint-Link oder per Drag & Drop.
Sowohl manuelle als auch automatische Erstellung von Datenbaumstrukturen.
Benutzer verwalten
Hinzufügen von Benutzern, Erstellen von Benutzergruppen und Festlegen detaillierter Berechtigungsstufen für Dokumente.
Umbenennung von Dokumenten
Massenweise Umbenennung von Dokumenten und Ordnern in Ihrem Datenraum.
Maßgeschneiderte Berichterstattung
Bereitstellung von maßgeschneiderten Berichten und Durchführung von Kundenanfragen.
Archive zur Einhaltung der Vorschriften nach dem Abschluss
Die Erstellung und der Versand von verschlüsselten Datenraumarchiven an mehrere Parteien, falls erforderlich.

“The proactivity you show throughout the build and live phases really helps us to concentrate on running our project. In particular, your immediate response times to our requests and problem-solving abilities when issues arise are reasons we enjoy working with you. We really get the feeling that you understand our processes, the way we work and want to be part of the deal team”
“We would like to thank you for a smooth and very professional process. Your availability has been highly appreciated, and something that we’re very thankful for. We will definitely keep you in mind for future transactions.“
GANGSTED Advokatfirma

“The excellent data room service was essential to our successful transaction.“
“We were pleased with the responsive support team and want to thank Imprima for their customer-centric approach.”
CASE Corporate Finance – Frankfurt

“We really appreciated your flexibility and high-quality service throughout the transaction, especially your quick responses and turnarounds to our requests.”
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Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit einem Mitglied unseres Teams
“When we went into this project, we wanted to partner with a company we could have a long-term relationship with. We found the perfect partners in Imprima. Excellent support and stable platform.”

“From a technical point of view, I found your platform very functional, but my main compliments are to your support team. All the problems that I reported were solved in a timely manner.”
“The Imprima VDR platform was always quick and reliable for us and our clients. The team’s ‘hands on’ and client-oriented approach allowed us to lean on them throughout the entire project. The Imprima Service Team responded quickly and precisely at all times and we at Unicredit really appreciated this.”

“Although the tool is important, the team are as important (or more so) and in my opinion that’s one of the strengths of Imprima. For the project you were of tremendous help to us. Again, for us the service is equally as important as the tool.”
“Regarding our experience with Imprima VDR, we are very satisfied with your services – very user-friendly and time-efficient. Your service is particularly good for a complicated M&A transaction. We will definitely consider engaging your services again for some future projects and recommend Imprima VDR to our partners.”