Strip Data Tree Index

Efficient management of VDR document titles

Strip Data Tree Index

Efficient management of VDR document titles

Introducing the Strip Tree Index feature

VDR folder structure created in advance in Windows Explorer.

If you follow the best practice for VDR preparation, you would be creating the desired VDR structure on your machine. It usually looks like the image this (see image on left).

Notice, how all folders are numbered – this is done to avoid Windows Explorer re-ordering your folders and files in alphabetical order. 

When the original folder structure is uploaded into a data room, an annoying thing happens; most, if not all, VDR platforms automatically add their dynamic indexing on top of the pre-existing Windows index. What you receive as VDR index output is a folder structure with an additional layer of index numbering across all folders and documents.

This added index layer makes it difficult to navigate your data room and increases the time needed to find specific documents/files, especially if you decide to move any of the folders or documents to another index point.

VDR folder structure with an additional layer of numbering across all folders and documents.

Imprima Smart VDR allows you to remove the original Windows index numbering, leaving only the index dynamically assigned by the VDR itself.

The output is a much cleaner data room index which is easy to navigate for a fast and efficient due diligence process.



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